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원문 코멘트 ( 하단 )
- Focus for Varus is to take some power out of Lethality builds while moving a bit more power into On-Hit builds, which are weaker
- Simultaneously, attempting to reduce some of his power in early lane with the 3 AD nerf
- Was marked incorrectly in the adjustments section y'day
- Similarly, the focus is on reducing her Pro oriented power through early game bullying and the R availability in early-midgame especially
- Her W minion execute damage was originally added as an incentive for allies to be encouraged to play with Kalista, but the mechanic isn't really doing that for regular players while simultaneously adding a bunch of power to her wave control when highly optimized
- Ever since we adjusted Gangplank a while ago to get him out of Pro, that work has been pretty successful
- With builds changing back to Tri Force though, some of the Crit incentives we added to his kit no longer make sense and we're removing them
- He is also a bit weak on the patch as a result of the item changes, so he's getting a buff
Miss Fortune
- For one of the lowest mastery curve champions in the game, even at 50% WR, her power level is quite below the bar
- We're adding a decent amount of power back to her as a result and partially in power that is better optimized by better players (we think we tapped her a bit too hard when she was Pro dominant)
- Orianna has the lowest attack damage in the game by a significant amount to account for her passive
- At current tuning however, her passive ends up not really being a net benefit as it puts her AA damage at similar to other champions
- This might be a risky change for her early wave control in Pro specifically, but it does feel pretty unsatisfying and so we're testing how impactful better last hitting will be for regular players
- If it doesn't end up being impactful for them and results in her being significantly more powerful in Pro, then we may end up reverting the change
Brand, Karthus, Taliyah
- Each of these champs is being nerfed, we're going to monitor how Dark Harvest changes land and follow up quickly if anything is off
- Each of them is too strong
- Karthus has a pretty steep mastery curve and we think he can sit pretty comfrotably below 50% for average players and still be powerful
- Taliyah is quite strong across the board and especially in China where her banrate and performance is extremely powerful
- Interestingly, Skarner sees no jungle play at all in China (and hasn't really ever since release)
- Skarner is too strong of a champion right now, in Top lane especially in Pro due to his strong trades and general amount of stats in the early game
- Despite buying tear early, we expect this Q change to be significant and the mana change to not affect Jungle as much
- If this doesn't end up doing the job then we'll need to revisit with a larger swing at his base stats or other things that make him so immovable in top